
Connect with your MN REALTORS® peers!

my.mnrealtor is a private, professional network for Minnesota REALTORS® to connect, collaborate, engage, learn and discuss the current state of the industry and industry happenings. “Connect” with other Minnesota REALTORS® and discuss industry issues, in the all member forum, The Hot Dish. my.mnrealtor is also the source for members-only content such as videos, articles, newsletters, and the Desktop Reference Guide.

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Easily access the latest and most popular discussions, download helpful resources, and stay connected with the my.mnrealtor app. Built for REALTORS® on the go, it’s your essential business resource in the palm of your hand.


Get Started

If my.mnrealtor sounds like a place you want to be, follow these simple steps to get started.

Login – Your username is your NRDS number and in most cases your password is your NRDS number – unless you have changed it. If you have trouble logging in, email us.

Set up your profile – Upload a photo of yourself and complete your bio. You can easily update your profile by bringing your information over from LinkedIn.
Customize your privacy settings - You can control who has access to the information you include on your profile by customizing your privacy settings. To access your Privacy Settings, navigate to your Profile, select My Account and Privacy Settings. 

Select from My Contacts, Members Only, Public, or Only Me for each item on your profile and then click save. 

Communities – my.mnrealtor is home to many communities. Communities are where you engage with others, connect around a topic, share information and learn from one another. As a member of the Minnesota REALTORS® you are automatically a part of our all member forum, The Hot Dish. Some communities are created by the association to conduct governance work. These types of communities (known as Committees) are only open to Committee members. Other communities will be available to you in the coming months.

Set community notifications and email settings - Once you are a member of some communities, you will want to set your email notifications. To access your Community Notifications, navigate to your Profile, select My Account and Community Notifications. 

This is where you can set and control your email notifications from each community you are a member of. We recommend selecting either Real Time - which sends you an email notification as soon as someone posts in that particular community, or Daily Digest - which will send you one email containing all discussion posts from the previous day per community. 

If you'd like to set what kinds of emails you receive from my.mnrealtor in addition to the community notifications, you can do so in the Email Preferences area.

Join the conversation – my.mnrealtor is a place to connect, collaborate, and engage. Join the conversation by creating a new discussion or by replying to one that is already underway. Remember, conversations with all 18,000 members take place in our all member forum, The Hot Dish, while conversations around more specific topics happen within other communities. 

Start networking – Over 18,000 of your peers are on my.mnrealtor. Connect with them by sending them a contact request. Building out your contact list makes it easier to find and connect with members you know and creates a great source for referrals! Select Network - Members from the navigation.
Then search for a member. Once you find them, click on "Add as Contact."
Need help? Email us or give us a call at 800-862.6097.