The President is a volunteer member elected to serve as the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Association and shall provide the general direction of its affairs. This individual will preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. They should exercise personal leadership in the motivation of other officers, board members, committee members and the membership.
The President and Leadership Team are authorized to appoint all committee chairs and members and is designated as an ex-officio member of all committees. The President must stay informed about association projects, industry-related issues, and local, state, and national events. They are a key leader in the ongoing evaluation of the Strategic Plan. In this role, it is important to gather ideas for innovative programs and solutions and to stay abreast of industry issues, in order to inform the general membership. The President will attend the NAR Legislative Meetings, NAR Annual Conference, and all state and local events when necessary. The President should be comfortable being visible to the membership and promoting the association to the members.
This role receives financial support to attend the two NAR meetings each year.