Pathway to Achievement FAQs

What is the Pathway to Achievement Program?

MNR’s Pathway to Achievement Program forges an alliance between the recipient, the sponsoring broker, the local association, and Minnesota Realtors® (MNR). Candidates must be a person not in Minnesota's racial majority and demonstrate a commitment to becoming a successful real estate licensee and Realtor®. The sponsoring broker provides a mentor and in-house training for the program recipient to optimize the success of the new licensee. Ideally, the candidate is a new licensee who has not had a license for more than six months and who is aspiring to become a full-time salesperson. The program is intended to provide startup assistance to candidates who have not previously held a real estate license.

This program covers Realtor® association dues for the first year of membership, and up to six months of MLS and lockbox fees. The program also covers specified educational and networking opportunities. The total value of the program is up to $1,600.

What is the purpose of the Pathway to Achievement Program?

MNR’s Pathway to Achievement Program is designed to promote diversity within the Realtor® membership by engaging more people not in Minnesota's racial majority and in a manner designed to enhance the probability of long-term success in the real estate profession. At the state level, we have a gap in representation of people not in Minnesota's racial majority as Realtors® vs the state average; 17% of Minnesotans are non-white, yet only 2% of the Realtor® membership is non-white.  Increasing diverse and equitable representation in our brokerages and in our organizations will contribute to future success of the industry as well as contribute to a reduction in homeownership gaps.

How does the Pathway to Achievement Program accomplish this?

The MNR Pathway to Achievement Program provides startup assistance for people not in Minnesota's racial majority who are new in the business who may be challenged financially to pay the various expenses involved in real estate when they do not have commissions coming in just yet. The program also provides supplementary education and networking opportunities through attending classes, conventions and other events.

What are some of the startup benefits available to Pathway to Achievement recipients?

The MNR Pathway to Achievement Program offers recipients coverage for one year of Realtor® dues and six months of MLS and lockbox fees as well as the chance to attend additional specified courses and educational events through the MNR. MNR waives one year of MNR dues and pays for one year of NAR dues; the participating local association waives one year of local dues, 6 months of lockbox and 6 months of MLS fees. MNR will also cover a free ticket to the annual UNITE! Convention in addition to 4 GRI courses that count towards CE credits.  These dues benefits apply to the following calendar year if. 

Is the Pathway to Achievement Program a scholarship program?

The fees paid by MNR or the participating local association for Pathway to Achievement are returned via a 2 year pay it forward model. For Year 1 the candidate’s pay it forward with 10 volunteer hours of service for any 501(c) organization. For Year 2 we ask that the candidate apply to participate in an association committee. If the candidate doesn’t get chosen to participate on the committee, we ask they serve another 10 hours volunteering for any 501(c) organization

Volunteer hours must be verified either with a signed letter from the Realtor® association or charitable organization, preferably on the organization letterhead, or on the MNR Volunteer Hours form, available on the Pathway to Achievement Web page

Why is the MNR Pathway to Achievement Program important?

MNR benefits when the organization reflects the composition of Minnesota’s population. The Pathway to Achievement Program contributes to enhancing the diversity of our membership.

How is the MNR Pathway to Achievement Program a partnership?

The criteria for the program generates a partnership between the candidate’s sponsoring broker, the local association, and MNR via the Diversity and Professional Development Committees. The committees interview the candidates and sponsoring brokers to find eligible candidates who are in a supportive environment. The brokers provide education, supervision and mentors for the candidates; the local association provides a dues and fees waiver; and MNR provides a dues waiver and other startup benefits. In addition, the Diversity Committee may assign a committee member to act as a liaison for each award recipient. The liaison will check in periodically with the recipient and help answer questions.

Why is the Pathway to Achievement Program important to brokers?

The Pathway to Achievement Program enables brokers to welcome new salespersons not in Minnesota's racial majority who they believe will become successful salespersons and enhance the diversity of the broker’s office. The brokers are asked to “invest” in the new salesperson by providing mentorship and education for the new salesperson and coming to an interview before members of MNR’s Diversity and Professional Development Committees. 

What are the Pathway to Achievement Mentor Guidelines?

The sponsoring broker assigns a mentor to the Pathway to Achievement recipient.

  • The mentorship lasts for 12 months
  • Mentorship is based on mutual consent
  • Preferably, mentors have a minimum of 5 years' experience as a Realtor®
  • Recipient and mentor must be employed at the same brokerage firm
  • Mentor needs to possess enthusiasm, knowledge, and a willingness to dedicate time for new Realtor's® professional growth
  • The mentor's role involves observing the new Realtor's® interactions, providing constructive feedback, and offering guidance on communication and interactive skills
  • Mentor keeps the new Realtor® updated on industry developments and trends
  • Mentor shares professional expertise, experiences, and insights with new Realtor®
  • Availability for real estate-related questions is expected
  • Brokerage approval and sponsorship are crucial for the program's success
  • The mentor engages with new Realtors® twice per month and holds quarterly meetings

How does the Pathway to Achievement Program help Realtors® not in Minnesota's racial majority?

The recipient is given a financial boost at the beginning of their new real estate career as well as enrichment opportunities in the form of designation classes, networking, and Realtor® events. The boost over the initial financial hurdles frees the new salesperson to study and learn the business — and become successful.

How does a candidate apply to the Pathway to Achievement Program?

Potential applicants can visit the Pathway to Achievement page. There they will find information about the program, application materials, and FAQs.

What is MNR looking for in the interview with the candidates?

The committees look for a candidate who has not had a license for more than six months and who is aspiring to become a full-time salesperson. The candidate will have considered what it will take to be a successful real estate salesperson and will have worked on a one-year, and five-year business plan. The ideal candidate also considers what can be done to further enhance his or her education and how he or she can best contribute to the real estate profession and the local community as a whole. The committees also look for a sponsoring broker who will guide the new salesperson and ensure that the new salesperson has training and support.